Introduction to my blog series encompassing everything I've learnt in 14 years of making photobooks.

All Photo Credits: (c) T J Allen Art

“Modern day photo albums are a bunch of files that live on computers and rarely ever see the light of day again”

Modern Day Photo Album

I love travelling, exploring and having adventures and a key part of my trips is to take photographs that help cement my memories. But what really helps me to reminisce and fires up my creative juices, is to lovingly create photobooks that re-tell stories of my journeys and inspire future escapades.

I would love this series of tips and advice to encourage and motivate you to give your electronic photographs a new lease of life in physical format.

Where to start
I have been creating photobooks since about 2008 and have always bought from CEWE as the product quality is fantastic and the software is both easy to use and flexible to my artistic ideas. I have no connection or sponsorship deal with CEWE so my advice is based purely on my own personal experience.

Photobook Formats
I have always chosen square photobooks; XL for longer/significant trips and small for long weekend breaks.  I guess I simply like the symmetry of a square book and the fact that portrait or landscape options seem too 'conventional' to me. I also buy square ones time and  time again, because my range of books (30 and counting!) are consistent in their aesthetical format when sitting on the bookshelf. Maybe that sounds OCD(!) but I assure you, it looks so much nicer when they are neatly stacked against each other rather than all over the shop with some sticking up and some sticking out!

Paper and Binding Types
There are a number of options available but again, I like to be consistent so I always choose lay-flat binding and classic photographic paper. These are slightly more expensive than some of the other options but they provide a very high-quality finish. I'm an advocate of the mindset 'if you are going to put the effort in, do it properly and make sure you are proud of the end result' and the classic photo paper has a definite air of sophistication about it that I love.

You can request a free paper swatch kit online to help aid your decision but personally I find the matte is too dull and the gloss is too shiny (I just imagine each page being covered in finger prints!), so the perfect 'goldilocks option' for me is classic photographic.

Assistant or DIY
To create your book, you have the option to use the 'CEWE photo assistant' or 'Design it Yourself'. I admit I have never used the photo assistant option but know that the software/themes/templates have come on a long way over the years. Yes, this is the quick and easiest way to produce something at a click of a button (while still having the ability to make alterations if it's not fully to your liking), but my preference will always be the DIY version.

Why? Because to me the process is about telling a story. I want to take myself and others on a journey of my travels in a unique and personalised way, and the route to do that is to artistically craft and individually choose which images and formats portray it in the best way. I am a great believer in one-off, handmade, sentimental items and putting the time and energy into producing a beautiful book that captures memories of a lifetime is a soul-enriching investment fully worth the effort!

Up Next ..... 
Check out my next blog for a deeper dive into the mechanics of story telling and what you need to think about and do before starting your photobook.
